Katharine's Progress

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 106 and Thoughts post-holiday

DAY 106. Happy to report that I maintained my weight loss over the holidays and all those Christmas parties. I definitely did not strictly adhere to the meal plan as of late, but I also did not go balls to the wall like I used to do around Christmas. I could berate myself and feel shitty that I fell off the wagon, but that's not going to help me at all. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed my holidays and yes, I ate more than I should have, but I was smart about my endulging and did not gain weight. Moving on now. New day, new week, new year!

Killer workout with Sarah at TF+ on Saturday morning, along with Tracy and Cassandra. It had been a week since my last strength training session (I did get one cardio session in last week though), so it was a definite challenge. Did an extra 30 minutes of cardio with the workout and in total burned around 600 calories in 90 minutes. This morning when I woke up, everything was aching. Felt great.

One thing that is motivating me is the thoughts about my Christmas gifts and Boxing Day shopping. Once again, no new clothes. I don't expect my family to buy new clothes for me anymore, probably for fear that they won't fit, or that they can't find them in my size, or that they would be embarassed to ask me what size to get them in. It did bum me out to think about it. Perhaps it's a rather selfish way of thinking, but I want my boyfriend to be able to go out and buy me some sexy 'intimates' for Christmas. I want my family to see a nice sweater in a shop window and be able to find it in my size. I want to go out on Boxing Day and find great deals in my favourite regular-sized stores. Other than the new dress I bought before Christmas, I haven't bought anything new lately, with the optimism that over the next few months I'll be shopping for smaller sizes. It probably sounds vain and shallow, but I like fashion and clothes, and I want to be able to shop in any store, not just plus-size ones. I want to feel like I look beautiful and well-dressed and sexy... and more than that, I want to feel confident about it.

Beginning on Monday (why wait for the new year!?), I'm going to go back to doing the 4-week cleanse to jumpstart myself again. No dairy, no wheat, no alcohol. I got some great new cookbooks for Christmas so I'm sitting at my desk today, browsing through and finding some yummy new veggie ones to test out. Maybe as a mini-challenge, I'll test one out each Saturday and post a picture and my notes.

Happy New Year! I can't wait for 2014, it's going to be a good one.

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