Katharine's Progress

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The First 3 Days!

DAY 1 of my meal plan couldn’t come at a better time, the day after my best friend’s bachelorette party. Body definitely needed to start detoxing and liver will be thanking me. I went to the supermarket to stock up for the next few days. My cart full of greens and nuts and fruits, I felt so strange and kind of self-righteous. I wanted someone to look into the cart and praise me or something, give me a gold star for excellent grocery shopping. My first meal was the first bowl of hot cereal I’ve eaten in 20 years. Dad used to make oatmeal and cream of wheat on Saturday mornings when we were younger and we’d choke it down only because we wanted to get back to our cartoons. It was much similar an experience. However, I asked for some suggestions on facebook for spice combinations and low-calorie ways to dress up oatmeal and now I can’t wait to try some of my friend’s interesting ideas. At work that day I made a point to tell some of my co-workers about my TF+ win and my new plan. I feel like the more people I tell, the more people there are to support me, and thus I cannot fail. My manager even offered to go jogging with me sometime! When I got home from work, I made spicy prawns, black beans, rice and salad for dinner, which was actually really tasty. I like playing around with spices and herbs, so this meal plan will definitely make me more adventurous. My boyfriend said he’d stick to the plan with me, modified for him a bit, so he made some chicken so go along with his dinner. I’m so glad to have him supporting me. We even cleaned out the cupboards last night and locked all the crap food in a big Tupperware in the storage locker.

DAY 2, I woke up and made my green smoothie for breakfast. I had been making these on occasion before I started the meal plan, so I like trying weird kale/spinach/fruit combinations. I went into the living room to find the remains of a bowl of pie and ice cream and several cupcake wrappers... my boyfriend's last hurrah after I had gone to sleep last night, at least it’s not in the house tempting me anymore, lol. I found that today was a bit harder, I had a headache for most of the day, my body unbalanced from not eating sugars, salts and processed foods. It definitely helped alleviate it by keeping up my intake of water and  ensuring I got all my planned snacks in. Group check-in and workout at Team Fitness tonight. Upon weigh-in, I have already lost 5 lbs this week, probably most that is water weight, but that’s still an amazing start! By the end of the first circuit I was feeling pumped, by the end of the second circuit, I was ready to take a nap. There was one exercise, a simple leg lift that Wes demonstrated and looked so easy, man oh man, that one burned! So deceptive…grr! Got home, showered, cooked dinner by myself (chia-crusted salmon with a little mustard dill glaze, and mounds of salad) and enjoyed relaxing on the couch and watching a show. There is something so much more rewarding about relaxing at the end of the day when you feel like you’ve earned it. Great day J
DAY 3, hit the snooze a couple times, not gonna lie. Eventually got up and made my breakfast smoothie, and my snacks for the day. I had an important client come into town today, so my boss and I took him out for lunch, which was a bit of a challenge. I didn’t even bother looking at the menu, I just ordered plain greens with grilled salmon and balsamic dressing on the side. They brought me some fancy salad with cheese and candied nuts and the works. I started trying to pick it off, too embarrassed to send it back in front of my boss and client, but after a minute I thought “Screw it, this is not what I asked for, and I’m going to stick with my new lifestyle changes” so I sent it back and waited for my lunch, nursing my water and watching my boss and client tucking into their steaks. It’s all worth it though; the only one I’d be cheating is myself. After work my boyfriend and I went on a spontaneous little adventure to Cleveland Dam to stroll and enjoy the nice weather. After dinner we went over to Walmart and got the super-size box of Tupperware for all my lunches, it felt like Christmas when I got home and opened it. My boyfriend was less than enthused, lol.

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