At the official Monday check-in, the good news was that I was at the same weight at my Saturday check-in before I left. There was some bad news too though, one thing I noticed this week was that my body went back into detox being away from all those hidden salts and preservatives that I unwittingly consumed while on vacation. I had a major headache on Sunday, despite a lack of stress and an abundance of water all day. I also noticed that a little eczema on my wrist returned. It had plagued me for months before I started the cleanse and totally went away about a week into it. It's not too bad though and will definitely clear up in a few days again now that I'm eating totally clean again.
At the Monday TF+ check-in and workout, we meet for about 30 min to do our weigh-in and discuss any issues we had that week. Also, Leanne introduces new topics and ideas for discussion with us too. It's really great. It was pretty funny actually, last's night topic was colonics. No, seriously, I'm not shitting you... (pun intended). The conversation was interesting though. I've done a little online research, but I'm still on the fence of whether to go through with it right now.
It was a good workout, combination of great trainers and great comrades :) I really love our group at TF+, it's so nice to have others who understand what I'm going through. If I can't yet do a certain exercise due to my weight or range of motion, the trainers modify it but still keep it challenging. I never feel judged there, even when the trainer has us doing ridiculously weird looking exercises or has us galloping around the block. When I feel like I'm ready to give up, I feel their support and it gets me through.
Our little TF+ group :)
A awesome little bonus last night... as the 1st place winner I got a case of Muscle Milk light through their sponsorship! Next week we start adding back in dairy slowly so it'll make a great after-workout snack or quick fix to keep at work in case I forget to bring something. And it's chocolate... :)
Leanne and me with my swag! Thanks Muscle Milk!
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