DAY 34. Some days are harder than others. While some days just fly by, in which I eat my allotted meals and feel good and be productive at work. Yesterday wasn't one of those days. It didn't matter that I had my planned meals and snacks, I felt hungry (and a bit cranky as a result) all day. I tried sucking back on lots of water, which didn't work, just made me have to use the washroom more, lol. I spent a lot of time procrastinating. About 10 times I thought about going across the street and getting a bag of chips or going to my favourite Thai place for lunch. I tried to keep myself occupied. Over lunch I ran some errands and went for lunch with my boyfriend... steamed veggies and tofu with no sauce from Edo. I'm not really sure what it was, maybe a bit of boredom or something, but after lunch I was just as hungry and cranky. When I got home I thought I'd heat up some leftover veggie/tofu stew and have a glass of red. Even though this next phase of the plan allows for a glass or two of wine a week, I felt guilty and ended up pouring it back with drinking any. In the end I had my veggie stew for dinner, watched some trashy TV, made some plain popcorn as a snack, read my book and just went to bed early. I know that not every day will be a walk in the park, this is a radically different way of life for me, and I'd have to be some sort of saint not to ever have a tough day. I was just a little disappointed with my attitude yesterday, and though I didn't follow through on any of my inclinations to cheat, I was mad that I had tempted my own willpower that way. I've already shown myself that I can do this, and I piss myself off when I get all weak and want to eat crap food like chips.
It's a fresh new day today though, got up early and made another slow cooker veggie tofu stew for tonight... my new favourite meal, so much flavour and heartiness without the salt and fat and excess of calories. Today will be different because I want it to be.
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