Katharine's Progress

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 41 and Thoughts on being sick :(

DAY 41. I've been sick with something flu-like for the past 2-3 days. Total bummer. The meal plan was not followed while sick, mostly because I wasn't able to eat much except vegetable soup, water and a little bit of dry rye toast. I missed 2 days of work and spent it on the couch, dozing off between episodes of CSI. I tried to study my textbook (a work course I'm taking) but reading the same page over and over is not exactly productive. I also had to cancel my Thursday morning workout, but I'll make it up next week. That's the thing about this new way of life, miss one session, make it up the next day! This morning I had some real food for the first time, my bowl of yogurt for breakfast, it was amazing after the same soup for several days. I actually can't wait to get to the gym tomorrow morning for my TF+ workout. I know I'll have to take it a bit easy so as not to push myself too hard while I'm getting better, but I really missed my workout. I love how I feel during and after. It's definitely the endorphins or something, but I'm always really stoked after we finish. It's totally addictive.

Anyhow, should get back to my work now, the emails and phone messages really piled up while I was away!

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