Katharine's Progress

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 111 and Thoughts on the Wild Rose D-Tox

DAY 111. Day 1 of the Wild Rose D-Tox 12-day cleanse. Because I slipped a little bit over the holidays, I wanted to do a cleanse for January to recharge myself. For all of January I will be sticking to the mantra of no wheat, dairy or alcohol. Leanne suggested that for the first 12 days, I try the Wild Rose D-Tox to really boost my cleanse.

It's a 12-day supply of herbal supplements that are supposed to aid your body in eliminating toxins and cleansing your digestive system. Online customer testimonials also boast great side effects like clearer skin, more energy and loss of up to 10 lbs in that 12 day period. Along with the supplements, I have to follow a specific meal plan, which is already pretty much the same as the TF+ meal plan. Lots of veggies, fish, brown rice, almonds, berries and fibre-rich fruits like apples and pears. It's good to be getting back to my healthy eating, because even though I didn't go crazy over the holidays, those few over-indulgent meals and treats have left me feeling rather sluggish.

This morning I took the 6 herbal pills (taken twice per day) and the drops of herbal essence or whatever they call it. I don't know any way to describe the intensely terrible flavour of those droplets. It was like drinking a 'Prairie Fire' shot made with cheap tequila. Gross. I had it with a fresh green juice that my boyfriend made, which took the edge off the herbal aftertaste. He's big on the juicing since we watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead in the fall. He uses our Breville juicer faithfully each week. It's really sweet actually... after each juicing session he takes it apart and lovingly scrubs it out. I wish he had that same tender love of doing all dishes.

When I bought the kit at Whole Foods (on sale for $24), there was a sign up that Dr. Terry Willard, a clinical herbalist who designed the detox program, would be speaking on Monday the 6th. Pretty cool, I may have to go check it out... hear it straight from the horse's mouth :)

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