Katharine's Progress

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 129 and Thoughts on accountability

DAY 129. Word of the day: ACCOUNTABILITY.

It's odd when I think about it, at work, with my friends and family, with my volunteering obligations.. I would never be unaccountable. I would never just stop going to work or stand up my Girl Guides. If a friend asked me to do something and I said yes, I wouldn't just go off and do something else. I would consider myself to be accountable for myself in all areas of my life. If I take this as the truth, then why have I failed to be accountable to myself in my promise to stick with this weight loss goal? I've been reading about diets and weight loss, and the stats say that only 20% of dieters will reach their goals, and I think that may be reaching a bit. Why can we not be accountable to ourselves?

Well, if that's the way it's going to be, I'll have to be accountable to others in my quest to be accountable to myself. Until I can get back on track, I will be posting all my meals on Instagram via Facebook each day. Knowing that I have to share my meal planning with my friends and followers, I can't be making any stupid decisions! Seriously! Can't be having anyone see my meal being a double cheese pizza! (drool) If you've been thinking of trying to lose a few pounds, feel free to follow my meals and try them out yourself. :)

Actually, beginning on Thursday, I'll be housesitting in Lions Bay, which is a good 20 minute drive from any of the stores and restaurants that I would normally be tempted by. It'll definitely help that I will only be able to eat what I bring with me.

From my web-trawling, some tips to stay accountable on your weight loss journey:
  • do a weekly weigh-in
  • do monthly measurements
  • tell your friends, family, co-workers, etc. about your plan
  • keep a food diary (which will be my Instagram picture journal)
  • keep my 'goal outfit' where I can see it (for me it's this adorable Le Chateau mini-dress with the tags still on...)
  • get your BFF or partner to get in the diet with you
  • think about the big picture (being healthy and living long vs. wearing a bikini on vacation)
  • chart your progress and record the goals you reach
  • celebrate each goal reached!

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